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Bell Schedules

Regular Schedules School Year 2024-2025

Monday C-Day w/ Advisory

Period Time
Zero Hour 7:40-8:30 AM
1st Period 8:40-9:22 AM 
2nd Period (Announcements) 9:29-10:11 AM
3rd Period  10:18-11:00 AM
Advisory  11:07-11:34 AM
4th Period 11:41-AM- 12:23 PM 
5th Period 12:30 PM - 1:12 PM 
Lunch 1:18-1:48 PM
6th Period 1:54-2:36 PM 
7th Period 2:43 - 3:25 PM
8th Period 3:30- 4:30 PM

Tuesday - Friday A/B Day

Period Time
Zero Hour 7:40-8:30 AM 
1st Period 8:40- 9:30 AM
2nd/3rd Period
9:37-11:16 AM
4th/5th Period 11:23-1:02 PM
Lunch  1:09 PM- 1:39 PM

6th/7th Period

8th Period 



C-Day Without Advisory 

Period Time
Zero Hour 7:40-8:30 AM
1st Period 8:40-9:27 AM 
2nd Period (Announcements) 9:34-10:21 AM
3rd Period  10:28-11:15 AM
4th Period 11:22-AM- 12:09 PM 
5th Period 12:16 PM - 1:03 PM 
Lunch 1:09-1:39 PM
6th Period 1:44-2:31 PM 
7th Period 2:38- 3:25 PM
8th Period 3:30- 4:30 PM

C Day with  Long Assembly 


Zero Hour



1st Period 8:40-9:20 AM
2nd Period (Announcements) 9:27-10:07 AM
3rd Period  10:14-10:54 AM
Long  Assembly  11:01-11:45 AM
4th Period  11:48-12:28 PM
5th Period 12:35-1:51  PM
Lunch 1:21-1:51  PM

6th Period 

7th Period

8th Period

1:58 - 2:38 PM

2:45- 3:25  PM

3:30-4:30  PM


Short Assembly Schedule

 (A/B - Day)

Period Time
Zero Hour 7:40-8:30 AM
1st Period 8:40-9:15 AM
2nd/3rd Period
9:22-10:48 AM
Short Assembly 10:55-11:45 AM 
4th/5th Period 11:52- 1:48 PM
Lunch 1:22-1:52 PM
6th/7th Period 1:59-3:25 PM 
8th Period 3:30-4:30 PM

Long Assembly (A/B - Day)

Coronation & Senior Honors Assemblies ONLY

Period Time

Zero Hour

1st Period

7:40-8:30 AM

8:40- 9:10 AM

2nd/3rd Period
9:17-10:38 AM
Assembly 10:45-11:55 AM
4th/5th Period 12:02-1:23 PM
Lunch  1:27-1:57 PM
6th/7th Period 2:04-3:25 PM


Inclement Weather Schedule

Manzano High School is considered by APS to be a “mountain school". When the mountain schools (Roosevelt Middle School, A. Montoya Elementary, and San Antonito Elementary) are on an abbreviated day, MHS will use the abbreviated schedule.

If the mountain schools are canceled on the first call in the morning, Manzano will have the same schedule as the city schools.

In the event that the mountain schools are put on an abbreviated day on the first call in the morning, and that decision is changed to a cancellation of school later in the morning, Manzano will remain on an abbreviated schedule.

We make every attempt to place a message on our phone system, websites, and Twitter with the day’s schedule as quickly as it is announced to us. However, we highly recommend that you listen to the radio and TV announcements (most often as early as 5:30 am.)

On abbreviated schedule days, breakfast will NOT be served but lunch WILL be served.

Buses will run round-trip to deliver students to school by 9:30 am and pick up students from the school at 3:25 pm.

Abbreviated Snow Delay (C-Day)

Period Time

Zero Hour

1st Period

9:40 AM-10:30 Am

10:40 am -11:09 AM

2nd Period 11:16 AM - 11:45 AM
3rd Period  11:52 AM - 12:21 PM
4th Period 12:28 PM - 12:57 PM
Lunch 1:05 PM - 1:35 PM
5th Period 1:42 PM - 2:11 PM
6th Period 2:18 PM -2:47 PM
7th Period 2:54 PM - 3:25 PM


Abbreviated Snow Delay (A/B - Day)

Period Time

Zero Hour

1st Period

9:40 AM-10:30 AM

10:40 AM-11:25 AM

2nd/3rd Period
11:32 AM - 12:32 PM
4th/5th Period 12:39 PM- 1:39 PM
Lunch 1:46 PM - 2:16 PM
6th/7th Period 2:23PM - 3:25PM